Monday 3 January 2022

Reasons Why Your Immigration Case Is Bringing Delayed Results!

The US immigration law is strict and thorough in assessing the influx of applications for work visas, green cards, etc. Thus, any immigration practitioner in Miami would tell you that delays in an immigration petition, visa, other related applications are pretty normal. Moreover, ever since the Covid-19 pandemic, the process has been even slower, and applicants have had to endure a longer than usual waiting period. However, it’s important to know what is causing the delay so you can be better prepared for the next steps in the process. Your visa application can be delayed due to any of the following reasons:

  • The Immigration Agency is Experiencing Delays- This is especially true due to the ongoing pandemic as most government bodies are working with either 50% staff capacity or all remotely. Adding this challenge to the already high incoming application load makes things lag, and resultantly, your waiting period longer. In addition to the current scenario, the delays are also conditional to each case as the USCIS reviews applications based on the priority dates enlisted on the application. For example; 

    • Most files are assessed on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • The employment-related petitioners have to apply by paying extra “premium processing” fees.
    • The family visa case is directly correlational to each family member’s age and immigration status based on -130 petitions.

  • Obstructions In The Security Checks- The immigration process is a long-winding journey for the US government and visa authorities to painstakingly assess, analyze, and review each application extremely minutely. Thus, there are numerous security checks and continuous correspondence with the USCIS through postal mail. For example, one of the two reasons why your application hasn’t been approved yet could be that either your biometrics haven’t been processed and cleared by other security agencies like the FBI. Apart from this, it is surprisingly common for immigration-related mail to get lost due to a change in the address or wrong address registered in the USCIS database.

While delays in immigration are unfortunate and worrisome, none of it could be your or your immigration lawyer’s fault. Hence, ensure your process goes seamless with the least interruptions by consulting the team from a reputed immigration law firm inNYC or Miami and getting your visa approved as soon as possible!

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